Dam.... These are realy the two hardest achifments

I have every achifment and only miss these two ...

Read also:

I found these while working at Amazon and honestly thought they were real for a second


I fell off the toilet last night thanks to a bad leg spasm. I have a concussion and had a minor brain bleed. My son starts school in two days and I have to take for his first day.

They are so going to think my husband is abusing me! (Just to get out in front of the questions: no he isn’t abusing me.)


My stomach hurt a bit the other day. Guess which medication I took without fully reading the packet…


Holy Nail


Personal email directly from my boss because he cares about a healthy family like work environment.


Chapstick cap fell under the seat on a road trip.

2 hours left. Is it worth it to pull over?


Got mad and threw the bottom of a broken dvd player across my room not my proudest moment as it cut my hand in the picture it just looks pink a dent but it’s not


Rebroke my ankle two days before my wedding while abroad in Croatia

Just had a cast for 12 weeks (probably too long) while planning my wedding for the 7th of September well before I initially broke my ankle. Thought it was good, traveled fine with it. Walked for miles in different countries and now two days before the wedding date I was walking on some steps and it broke again. Im fucking crushed and depressed. Still going through with everything but obviously some huge plans need to change. Shits fucked.


This guy lost his wheel in front of my work


My Fantasy League auto-drafted me Tom Brady....
