Funny stories about your cats

Here is mine: We have a window with a built in cat flap so both of our cats can come and leave whenever they want to. Kenji (the black cat) uses it regularly and in the summer time is out and about most of the time. Hanako on the other hand is lazy and just can’t be bothered to use the cat flap. Instead she meows really loudly until her personnel gets up and opens the door for her on the other side of the building. So last week she was at it again, meowing loudly for someone to open the door for her. Instead, I caught her and showed her (once again) where the cat flap was. So she snuck through the cat flap and I went back to whatever I had to do at that point. But instead of just staying outside she snuck back into the house went to the door that she wanted to get out of the house out of and started meowing loudly to someone open the door for her.

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