Arthur E. (Turkey) Gehrke, was popularly known as the human Hibernator, he had a habit of going to bed in Early November and staying in bed Until April. (Read more in 1st comment)

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Japan’s culture of suicide. Mount Mihara is an active Volcano on the Isle Izu Ohshima, and it is most notable for the number of suicides that took place during the 20th century. (Read more in 1st comment)


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86-year-old Lao Huang is a cormorant fisherman living in Yangshuo, China. Cormorants are aquatic birds known for their fishing abilities, diving from the surface to catch fish. They can dive as deep as 150 ft (45 meters) in search of prey. (Read more in 1st comment)


The San Andreas Fault is a major fracture that runs throughout California and extends for over 1200 kilometers with a depth of 16 kilometers. (Read more in 1st comment)


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The world of ancient rock art is a treasure trove of mysteries, offering insights into the beliefs, stories, and daily lives of civilizations long past. Nestled within the striking landscapes of Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada, (Read more in 1st comment)


Justice Joseph Force Crater was appointed to the New York State Appellate Court and sworn in by Justice Victor J. Dowling on April 8, 1930. Just four months later, he vanished without a trace. His disappearance remains an unsolved mystery.

On August 6, 1930, in midtown New York, a stout, middle-aged man in a dark suit and Panama hat hailed a taxi outside a restaurant. As he departed, he waved to a friend. This man was the 41-year-old State Supreme Court Justice, Joseph Force Crater, who was never seen again. The disappearance of Judge Crater remains a quintessential American mystery. Investigations costing over a quarter of a million dollars yielded no solid leads. He was reportedly sighted globally, from a New York iceman claiming Crater managed a tavern he supplied, to a policeman in Turkey. Although Crater was declared legally dead on June 6, 1939, efforts to solve this missing person mystery persisted. Even in the 1960s, a backyard in Yonkers, N.Y was excavated in search of his remains. Read more [here.](


Nestled at the foot of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, the "Disk of Death" emerged from the depths of history in 1963, during an extensive excavation that took place on the main avenue facing the pyramid. (Read more in 1st comment)


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