At 20, Dylan McWilliams, a nature-loving American was attacked by a tiger shark while surfing in Hawaii. He got away with hitting the shark repeatedly and then swimming as fast as he could to the beach. Result: 7 stitches in the thigh. (Read more in 1st comment)

Read also:

The Atacama Giant in Chile, is a vast depiction of a deity utilized to track lunar movements. As the world's most expansive prehistoric human-like figure, it stretches an impressive 119 meters. Believed to have been crafted between 1000 and 1400 CE by various indigenous cultures, including the Inca


Fanjing Mountain, Guizhou, China. The entire mountain is over 8000 steps and the rock on top is around 1000 challenging steps. It takes about 4-5 hours to go up and around 2-3 to go down.


In Shandong, China, a mentally challenged farmer built a 7-story building with his bare hands. (Read more in 1st comment)


Deep in the woods of Vermont, near the town of Brunswick, there are 6 small springs known, perhaps a little prosaically, as the Brunswick Springs. The local Abenaki tribe have considered the springs and the lands around them to be sacred for centuries. (Read more in 1st comment)


Neil Harbisson was born with a rare disease ,a form of color blindness in which he can see the world in greyscales. A world only in greys..!! (Read more in 1st comment)


Did You Know?


Victoria Price, a television reporter for a Florida newspaper (USA) was saved because of an email!!! (Read more in 1st comment)


Top Grade Ammonite Cabochons from Marston Magna, Somerset, England. An iconic British locality. Arguably the most sought after Ammonite material in the world. 200 million years old.


Juliane was born in Peru on October 10, 1954 and her parents worked in the Amazon jungle, so Juliane grew up in an environment quite different from most children her age. (Read more in 1st comment)


Anatoly Moskvin was considered an expert on local cemeteries in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia — but it turned out he was digging up deceased children and turning them into "living dolls." (Read more in 1st comment)
