Biggest day 💰

Had my biggest day yesterday. Post yours!

Read also:

Driver texted me this at 2:40 right after picking up my food and then sat at the same apartment building for over 30 minutes. Am just supposed to wait 5 hours to get my food?


How this makes senses?? Is the company still stealing tips??

Im doing some deliverys... but the only thing that i see is this payment.. $4 dolars or even just $3... if the delivery fee is $3-$2 how is that you get this??? I can believe 1-2 customer doesnt tip but 10-20 in a row???


When do we show up with pitchforks to Ubers HQ?


Look at the note...Of course it was not ready when I arrived


First ping tonight. They're freaking nuts!



You can pay Uber to make delivery now! Who the fk will accept thay


I'm sick, rarely order, and got a good deal.

I tipped $10. I live 6 miles from the restaurant.


order 20 dollars worth of items. get ONE 2 dollar item and the rest is missing. Get this support message. ATTENTION!


Who do they expect to take this?

9 packages for 51 miles paying $21 🤣


Picked up the bag from my seat and the whole bottom fell out💀

This is literally the picture I had to send in to Uber when delivering this order today… the customer was not angry at all thankfully, and said they will just send the screenshot to get a refund but I just thought it was funny to post here 😂 anyone else go through this before? My shoes and legs were covered in beans 💀
