I mean 🥹

my favorite pic of my floofy, he’s a year old now!

Read also:

Toy chikito 💘


King of the hair …


[EnergyBender] If our heroes knew each other when they were far younger. (Sadly no Suki, though.)


We were really robbed of Korra having fun with Suki&Kyoshi warriors [getawaystickss]


It seems like Flopsy never gets any love. He’d be a great earth kingdom animal guide to have! He’s so precious and helped look for Bumi whenever Aang was looking and needed a faster way around. Belly rubs for him always


A delivery driver gave this to me, I’ve never played the lottery and I don’t know what to do with this.


This has to be a tip baiter. I still accepted it…

I would never tip like this if I ordered McDonald’s. Guy just wants his food fast. There is no way. This is too good to be true. If this person ordered on DoorDash you obviously can’t tip bait so he’s gonna leave a normal tip or no tip at all. What are y’all’s thoughts. Aight I’m gonna head to the McDonald’s rn see y’all’s responses when I arrive to pick up. Oh my… Never mind y’all. The person cancelled the order. I KNEW it was too good to be true😭


A miracle happened

Shop and pay Safeway order 42 items, nothing heavy thank god! As usual with Safeway, a lot of things weren’t in stock or didn’t have enough to fulfill order but thankfully the customer was responsive with replacements. This really made and saved my night!! THANK YOU JEFF I HOPE BOTH SIDES OF YOUR PILLOW IS 🥶 🥶 COLD!!!


Wonder how much of it was tip or all base fair


Just accepted this order for $36. Now taking bets on whether it’s tip baiting, a scam attempt, or a genuinely awesome person. Time estimate was 25 min. Any takers? 😂
