This has to be a tip baiter. I still accepted it…

I would never tip like this if I ordered McDonald’s. Guy just wants his food fast. There is no way. This is too good to be true. If this person ordered on DoorDash you obviously can’t tip bait so he’s gonna leave a normal tip or no tip at all. What are y’all’s thoughts. Aight I’m gonna head to the McDonald’s rn see y’all’s responses when I arrive to pick up. Oh my… Never mind y’all. The person cancelled the order. I KNEW it was too good to be true😭

Read also:

A miracle happened

Shop and pay Safeway order 42 items, nothing heavy thank god! As usual with Safeway, a lot of things weren’t in stock or didn’t have enough to fulfill order but thankfully the customer was responsive with replacements. This really made and saved my night!! THANK YOU JEFF I HOPE BOTH SIDES OF YOUR PILLOW IS 🥶 🥶 COLD!!!


Wonder how much of it was tip or all base fair


Just accepted this order for $36. Now taking bets on whether it’s tip baiting, a scam attempt, or a genuinely awesome person. Time estimate was 25 min. Any takers? 😂


Weekly payment

What exactly is weekly payment? Only been driving for 2 weeks. Today 68 dollars was transferred to my bank account but the money I made from this week so far is untouched in my Uber wallet. Can somebody break this down for me?


Weird name house with not cars not lights on


Finally caught a unicorn

I finally got one of these insane Walmart deliveries I see posted every now and then. I clicked the button so fast I didn't even look at the mileage but didn't care I would of drove 40 miles at least for that. The part that kinda of sucked was lifting the air conditioner for the one delivery but otherwise a dream order..


Wow neat

Only problem is... I live in East Tennessee. Thanks anyways Uber.


Being a customer sucks too

I don’t order very often but they keep throwing deals at me so I thought I would try being a customer. It didn’t go well, honestly it’s so much worse customer experience than door dash. The first order was a new girl and she completely mixed up the orders. Got a refund. The second order the guy pick it up and was on his way and then Uber canceled my ordered without explanation. It was very irritating because I was on my break and didn’t have time to reorder so I went hungry. Suffice to say I wasn’t happy with my customer experience at all as someone who rarely uses the app. No wonder people aren’t tipping and business is down.


Biggest day 💰

Had my biggest day yesterday. Post yours!


Driver texted me this at 2:40 right after picking up my food and then sat at the same apartment building for over 30 minutes. Am just supposed to wait 5 hours to get my food?
