Russian troll on Twitter, seeding the latest conspiracy bullshit for the MAGA yokels who will believe absolutely anything because they're too dumb to know when they're being lied to.

Read also:

Just when you think this guy can't get any worse


Elon continues his attacks on trans people


According to Elon, Ukraine should just give up and let Russia overrun their country and kill their citizens instead of donating their old unused military kit so Ukrainians can fight for their freedom. Russian asset or Useful Idiot?


This parasite Elon almost ended up like the ocean gate sub


Not hard to figure out where the idea to shut down Ukrainian access to Starlink came from.


Who done it? And how

I'm trying to find out how whoever affixed this underlug rail to their Taurus Tracker did it. For reasons. (Cue obligatory Taurus commentary) I saw it on a random amazon review, but I havent been able to pin down any info about it anywhere. Anybody have any idea how/who done it? Reverse image searching has been fruitless.


9mm trajectory / home defense zero question

Was confirming the zero on my AK-v. Decided to zero it at 15ish yards (between 40 and 50 feet), simply because that's about the furthest out I'd be shooting inside my home (no it's not big and I don't have an SP5, but I own a house so, little victories). Decided to check round placement at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70ft. I really couldn't see the 70ft, so there's a wild one on each (I was wearing sunglasses at a poorly lit indoor range, the sunglasses are prescription and couldn't find my regular glasses; yes you can judge). Shooting 124gr FMJ standing unsupported. I was surprised at the bullet rise over just 10ft increments. Is there an ideal zero for CQB, or too close to really make a difference? Studies I've read seem to show 15 or 25 yards is ideal but open to hear other suggestions. Yes it needs to be adjusted to the right a little bit.


...I just want my M-14!


Smith and Wesson M&P .40 (Full Size). Got it for next to nothing on Gunbroker, while the M&P 9mm were going for a lot more...


"Tenacious For Quantity"
