At the peak of his game...

Read also:

Meet Rufus and Freya

Rufus is the orange cat and Freya is the black cat Freya knows how to give hugs I call Rufus “good guy Rufus” because he is just one of the guys, always down to hang out I’ve had these cats since August 2018, so they’re about 5 years old now They’ve are the best cats ever. Never aggressive toward me or anyone else. No scratching or biting, not once! The chillest cats 🐈‍⬛ 🐈


Dinner is ready!


Cat is obsessed with hair ties

I don’t let him play with them for his safety but he can literally sniff them out. If I hide them without him even being around or looking he WILL find them. Pictured: him locating hair ties on a brand new shelf I built. He did not see me put them there. Hair ties must be kept on top of larger shelves forever now lol


Skittles was not happy after the vet visit


Good night😴😊


My cat Sheldon about to go crazy.


The distinguished loaf


Queen of the home.


Is he fat?


I think my kitty has a cold he keeps sneezing and his nose and eyes are constantly having to be cleaned. I got Mylo two days ago and know nothing of where he came from since he’s a rescue. Any tips on what I can do to help with this?

See his nose and eyes 😭😭
