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Anime IRL






My cake is not as beautiful as the other cakes posted - but I am really proud of it. This was my first try of a three-layered cake


Most stressful cake I have EVER done. A woman reached out to me asking for a birthday cake for her autistic daughter who was turning 17, she wanted the cake to be the colour of her golden Labrador and to feature a dog on it. I tried my best, baring in mind I’m no decorator.

The outer ganache is made from Caramilk hence the gorgeous colour! The chocolate dog on top was a total nightmare to make, I used a silicone mould that was designed for firmer materials so the models kept on breaking. In the end I just stuck the broken legs back on with melted chocolate. I feel such relief that this is done, I really hope she loves it ❤️


Raisin muffin


Can somebody tell me what kind of cake this is? One tastes mainly of caramelized sugar, reminds me a bit of roasted almonds. Thank you!


Couple of hours and I’ll be a lot happier 😍


Made my Dad a birthday cake. He’s 80 years old today, and his favorite cake is German Chocolate.


How to modify this recipe to accommodate instant yeast?

This is my mom’s pizza dough recipe, as a kid it was always the best! I use instant yeast now and find the middle of the dough can still be damp/chewy? throughout the entire pizza - But everything on top and the crust is always cooked perfectly, so I don’t want to cook it longer and risk it being burnt!
