Jack thinks he’s the baby.

Read also:

Pippin enjoying his mid-day nap


I thought my cat looked silly in 0.5 :3


This cat is gonna be the death of me

Little asshole got neutered today and when he got home he decided he wanted to run around into every room and try to climb the window screens to escape. He then hid behind my bed for 3 hours and as soon as he came out he started licking his surgical site. We tried to put the cone on him but the vet gave us the wrong size and we called the emergency vet and they told him to come in and they would fit one for him and check his surgical site. He escaped his carrier and pooped on my car seats and floor. Jumped onto my dads lap while he was driving. We managed to get him back into the carrier. When he arrived to the emergency vet they fit him with 3 different types of cones. He escaped the soft cone 3 times. They fit him with a larger hard cone which he also escaped. They had to use a smaller cone attached to his neck with a collar and used a tie to create a harness around his body. He escaped that again so they made it tighter (luckily because they didn’t charge us anything because the vet is the one who messed up. It would’ve been around £15 and the second he got home he managed to escape it and he got the harness tangled around his legs so we had to cut him out of it. He escaped each time by physically throwing himself against the sides of his carrier and kicking his head until it was off. We had no way of putting the cone back on so now I have to stay up all night to limit the amount he licks and clean it regularly with antiseptic the vet gave me. I have to stop him from licking by holding his neck when he tries to lick and he stops but eventually he started running away from me and no matter how many times I tried to stop him he keeps licking. He will have another vet appointment soon and if the surgical site gets swollen red or oozing he will be rushed to the emergency vet. He has also been breathing extremely heavy and fast for 3 hours (around 70-80 breaths per minute) and the emergency vet told me he is just stressed and in pain. He went into a deep sleep and started dreaming and luckily his breathing went back to normal but it started back up again so I called again and they told me just to monitor him because he is acting normal by eating drinking water and being extremely cuddly. He is trying to escape my room to explore but I won’t let him because I know he will try to escape or run and jump around so he will be confined to my room until the drugs wear off. Staying up all night to monitor him and will probably have to miss school tomorrow to monitor him incase something goes wrong as I have no one else who can look after him during that time.


Constantly meowing!!!!

My cat is literally meowing at me all day every day. He's fed, he has clean litter, he's entertained. We got him fixed so he isn't in heat. Why is he doing this!? Is this normal? I've had many cats before, none that cried like this. Help!!


Zelda has approved of the stockings.


Her tail is longer than her body😂

Hazel-Bean’s ever-growing tail…and she still has a lot of growing to do!


I think my cat is attempting some sort of summoning ritual

This is upstairs, and the Kickeroos all started downstairs, so he has to have dragged them upstairs on his own. This is a deliberate plot.


Extreme selfie from Valentine


Apex predator.😽


Caught in the act knocking it off a shelf

Meet bubbles
