Bart was feeling mighty blue.

Read also:

Has anyone been to New Orleans and seen this Simpsons Banksy?


Why is it like this?


What, it's not Magaggie's birthday?


The Simpson table read script

5 years ago when I was working at Fox I got invited to a table read for ep. YABF06 (“I’m dancing as fat as I can”). The entire voice cast ( minus harry and hank, they delivered lines over the phone ), producers, writers, and a few spectators were in a conference room on the fox lot. I had not watched an episode since 2003 or so I wasn’t sure what it would be like, but it was hilarious. I was cracking up on the corner with my friend. Maybe it was the energy in the room and hearing the cast do the characters in person, but when I watched that same episode in it’s finished form, it felt flat, uneven, and not that funny. James L Brooks was an interesting fellow, always rallying the troops and psyching them up for a table read, like it was a team building exercise. Overall a great experience to finally meet all the people I had idolized as a kid.


Aw. Me and Santa's Little Helper used to be a team, but he never wants to play anymore since his bitch moved in


Is everything okay? I got worried when I didn't hear any shots


“Homer, your growing insanity is starting to worry me”


No, wait. I have a plan. But I'll need your underpants.


Yesterday we asked if you wanted to risk it all for $500,000 and you stalled for 20 minutes


Which country or region did the Simpsons skewer the best?
