Toaster oven cleaning advice?

This feels very dirty girl status of me. Busy college student. Is there any way to save my toaster over? This part in particular.

Read also:

$20 to restore this photo of my Grandad and his dog, Lucky


Can someone remove this letter block and maybe make me look better? Tip $10


Easy photoshop request: can someone pls remove the white from my mirror? I’d like this to be a useable picture as it’s one of the only ones I have of my body shape, ty ty!!!


Is it possible to remove the blue from this photo? I will tip 😄


Can someone please remove the food, drink and white cloth at the bottom of this picture of my partner and baby. $10 tip.


Can anyone edit to tidy the bed, remove the compact from the girls hand and make it look like someone’s taken the photo and not a selfie? Tip $10


Can someone please clean this photo up? Additionally, please remove the cigarette from his hand and the glass from her hand (ideally have her hand flat against his belly/shirt). Will tip $5 for the one I like best. Thank you!


Can you edit all the people out of this?


Please help me have my father clear picture . I never met him as he passed away when I was a baby


My dog might die, can you remove the musty rag?
