Where do you throw these kinds of plastc wastes? Are they just classified "others"?

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Which trash bin is this going?

Hi Netherlands! Just moved in to a house where I have to separate trashes. I don’t know which trash goes where. Is there any websites I can lookup when separating?


The struggle is real


Cool place we slept in

We are travelling by bike throughout this really amazing country. About 650 KM in 9 days or so. We found a place near Sneek that is a refurbished train. It was one if the most unique stays on our trip so far.


What is this drink?

A buddy brought this over from the Netherlands, but I can't find any information about it online. What is this drink, what are your opinions and why is there no information about it?


forbidden toothpaste


Uhhhhhh… is this supposed to be wet?


Does this cooling setup make sense?

I have three 140mm front intake fans as well as a rear 140mm, while I have three 120mm fans exhausting through my Aio radiator on the top in addition to a clip on fan attached to my GPU. My intention was to maintain positive pressure, but I'm wondering if it would be better to have my rear 140mm be exhaust instead. I'm new to this so I'm happy to learn.


100% GPU but 1% CPU on Starfield? Also, I'm not too knowledgeable, but my task manager says 4.2ghz, and game bar says 3.6 ghz.


Sonic unleashed on my new console


Saw this on an FB ad, but clicking on ad does not go to listing.. wth is this thing?
