Found in my kitchen, very small guy

Las Vegas NV, they’re a bit squished

Read also:

Found this little one in Sokcho, South Korea

Found this spider while on vacation.


Is this a bedbug?

We’ve just caught this bug in a CO2 trap that we’d put all over the house because my housemate is getting a lot of bites when she sleeps. Is this a 1 star (baby) bedbug that hasn’t fed yet?? It’s the only one we’re more certain about that we’ve found.


[Kyoto Japan] Saw this colorful fellow, about 2cm long, on the path of a temple garden.


Caught this bugger

Saw this vampire the other day on the door frame, shat myself took a picture and left, any idea what demon this is? I live in the UK and seeing a spider like this is a new experience


What is this spider we found under the fallboard ?

Location: north Portugal


These little yellow dots were all moving around on a cooling mat


It was in my lunch at school


German cockroach? (Colorado)


Is this little guy a weevil? (Western PA)


Caught this guy the other day pretty large from where I come from. Can anyone identify I’m from the UK.

I know it’s not the best image of the spider but it’s all I’ve got.
