found in louisville, KY. any ideas?

about 4 inches tall with a 4-5 inch wingspan

Read also:

Who is this handsome crab-like guy?


What type of spider is this? Eastern PA, indoors.


Some little guys

Ive been seeing some little bugs roaming around my bathtub the past few days. What are they, and should i be at all concerned? California, US


What is this?

Thought it was a grass spider but then read some comments about spinnerets being long on grass spiders and rechecked the picture.


Who's this big boy?

We're in Stoke-on-Trent, England. Found him this morning.


Middle Tennessee

I’m new to this part of the country and I’m unfamiliar with the insects here. What’s this lil guy?


Name that spider (or two?)!

The web was quite shiny. Almost like a black widow’s web.


Found in the uk



Found this on a golf course in midmichigan.


Hundreds of tiny maggots?

I had picked up the dog mess on the weekend, popped it in a bag and placed the bag just outside of our back gate ready to put in the outside bin/trash. Stupidly I forgot to move it until today. I’ve picked the bag up and it is COVERED in hundreds of these - each one is tinier than a grain of rice. What are they? I’m imagining some kind of fly egg? I’m in Worcestershire UK for info. TIA
