Who is the GOAT president, and why is it Andrew Jackson?

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Hello r/Presidents. It’s with great excitement I announce that…after many years of hoping for this exact thing… my son was born on the very Dakota plains my favorite President cherished. In his honor, my son has been named “Theodore”.


My president tier list, fight me in the comments


How good do you think Carter would have done if he won a second election in 1980?


Whose foreign policy was most beneficial to America and why?

Just curious, as it seems that foreign policy really wasn’t all that important until the 20th century. I’d love to learn about lesser known foreign policies for different Presidents.


What campaign slogan or graphics ever caught your eye?

I didn’t vote for Obama till his second term, but “forward” made me feel American


Do you think he actually would have been a good president? Would universal healthcare be a thing?


What are your favorite New Deal programs?


Has there ever been a running mate that "ruined it" for a candidate.

I'm not sure if there's ever been such a bad running mate/ VP that people didnt vote for a candidate


Judge me based on my favorite (A) and least favorite (F) presidents


My first tier list— thoughts?
