Trump is a lowlife, and gives other lowlives permission to be their worst selves. His fans are literally the shittiest people in America who love that he's a piece of shit just like them. That's his appeal.

Read also:

That warm fuzzy feeling when an Autor is attributed to not having created their works, but instead with it's discovery, as though it is indeed a real place with real people. :')


Safe to say my parents new rescue kitties have become comfortable in their new home.

Thor on the right and Loki on the left.


Look at this cutie I ran into yesterday.

Yesterday was bad. But seeing this cutie just cheered me up..


My newborn held hands with her great-grandmother (91) and they both fell asleep


Not sure why the concept is so hard for some.


Wedding party at a bar with casual dress code.

My husband's friend got married a few weeks ago in a private ceremony and they are hosting a "Happily Ever After" party at a local bar in Wisconsin. Looks like the venue will have indoor and outdoor space. The attire is listed as casual with no other context. I know there may be 150+ people there. My husband says casual means casual, but I feel like wedding party casual isn't as casual? I feel like jeans and a t-shirt are too casual, but maybe I'm wrong? Would jeans and a blouse/ nice top meet the criteria and work at the venue? Or should I go with a casual dress? (image of the dress I was thinking of wearing) Never been to a wedding party at a bar, so any advice or input is appreciated!


Chest decoration. Chimú, 12th-14th centuries. AD Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. [2923x2923]


Automaton in the form of a triumphal chariot drawn by four horses. British, ca. 1760–1770 [4000 x 2631][OS]


Close up of the Flora Farnese – National Archeological Museum of Naples, II century A.D. [682x637]


What did mark Felton mean by this?
