1 y

Ramen snakes, Ultimate_Weirdo_13, ibis paint, 2023

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Are the three episodes that are being streamed on repeat a hint to something?

For those unaware: The community YouTube channel has been playing 3 episodes on repeat for over two weeks (1/1 4/7 and 4/13). Really weird as there is no clear link between these 3 episodes, it feels very arbitrary. I was very confused then I saw someone make this comment. What do you think could it be hint to an announcement being made or something else maybe?


Which scene happened first?

Did they invite Annie after she made her own show or did Annie make her own show after she got invited (and broke Abed)?


Celebration time, come on!


Trump is a lowlife, and gives other lowlives permission to be their worst selves. His fans are literally the shittiest people in America who love that he's a piece of shit just like them. That's his appeal.


That warm fuzzy feeling when an Autor is attributed to not having created their works, but instead with it's discovery, as though it is indeed a real place with real people. :')


Safe to say my parents new rescue kitties have become comfortable in their new home.

Thor on the right and Loki on the left.


Look at this cutie I ran into yesterday.

Yesterday was bad. But seeing this cutie just cheered me up..


My newborn held hands with her great-grandmother (91) and they both fell asleep


Not sure why the concept is so hard for some.


Wedding party at a bar with casual dress code.

My husband's friend got married a few weeks ago in a private ceremony and they are hosting a "Happily Ever After" party at a local bar in Wisconsin. Looks like the venue will have indoor and outdoor space. The attire is listed as casual with no other context. I know there may be 150+ people there. My husband says casual means casual, but I feel like wedding party casual isn't as casual? I feel like jeans and a t-shirt are too casual, but maybe I'm wrong? Would jeans and a blouse/ nice top meet the criteria and work at the venue? Or should I go with a casual dress? (image of the dress I was thinking of wearing) Never been to a wedding party at a bar, so any advice or input is appreciated!
