The two most CLEARLY gendered cats ever 😂

Read also:

How is he even real?


Is this stupid?

Is it dumb to charge raycons with a chromebook charger


This USB to SATA adapter is Linus compatible


I found the transparent tv that linus bought


Found on Facebook


A set-up that I was partially suggested, and partially edited, anyone sees any problems with it


Stubby is awesome, But anyone else notice the colour is off?

My stubby arrived today it's very nice, no complaints regarding function but was surprised to notice the colour didn't match my regular driver. Given all the Pantone videos and Ltt's attention to detail regarding design I was a little surprised by this. Is this a one off, did the colour get brighter on my original driver (OG is on the right). I would expect fade or polish but it's definitely just a brighter orange.


Got this 14 years ago, looks pretty scarred.. cover up?

Got it done years ago and it turned out pretty bad to say the least.. is it possible to cover up? Remove it? how will the scars look? Should I leave it alone? Any feedback is appreciated!


Shapes are hard 🤷‍♂️


Looking at DW tats for inspo on a flash I wanna create and…

DA user censored
