Welcome home my little fertilizer producing friends!

Read also:

What are these holes in my yard?

I found a dozen of these holes in my yard. They’re mostly about 2-3”


Blueberry bush issues

Can anyone tell me what's going on with my blueberry bush??


Scan me(;


Chicken Coop!

Finally finished my coop and got it out in the barn! Watched some YouTube and kinda went with it. Hopefully have some occupants soon.


is this a good deal?


What are these berries on my tomatillo?

I was watering my tomatillos today and noticed these little berries (for lack of a better word) growing in clusters of 6 or so. They are translucent, about 1/4” in diameter, and have some seeds in them. They’re quite pressurized—when the skin is broken, they jet seeds out. When broken open, they have a smell somewhat between tomato and tomatillo, but sweet. What the heck are these? My first thought was they’re tomatillo seed pods, but tomatillos are full of seeds anyway, so seed pods seemed redundant to me. I saw a post recently about toxic seed pods growing on potato plants. Is this something similar? None of my research yielded helpful results, so I am turning to the most helpful folks on Reddit. I am harvesting/canning my tomatillos (well the salsa verde I make from these) and want to make sure these strange berries aren’t an indication this plant is compromised somehow. If these are seed pods, do the seeds need any special treatment to increase my odds of germination next year, or can I just pop the berries, collect, and let the seeds dry?


Feels great getting more firewood put ahead of the winter.. How much do you typically go through?

Last winter I put up about 2.5 cords of wood, mostly juniper and some pine with mountain mahogony mixed in. I only ended up using about half of that and gave the rest to some off grid folk in my area. Our high-elevation winters are cold and snowy but I have a small cabin and live alone. Curious how much firewood other folk go through..


Insanity inducing. I tell ya.

Via Pinterest.


Imagine stumbling upon this while diving


We all know that a picture can say a thousand words, but sometimes they can just leave us slightly confused — like this snapshot of a dangerously tall bus:
