We feel your pain, Spider-Man fans... we are going through the same thing with Batman.

Read also:

Can anyone tell me why Zombie Spider-Man isn't allowed in anything

Zombie Spider-Man was killed off in the Marvel Zombies Series And hasn't returned since. Is it due to legal trouble or They just don't want to market that to Kids.


I like how this magazine uses the TNAS render


How would you change this design?

My only idea was making his skin a dead green, like a zombie. I imagine that would compliment the concept they were going for, and make him look less like a meth head. But it would probably look too odd for live action.


Who’s signature?

I found a picture at the thrift store and just wanted to know more about it. I don’t know if anyone here would have any info but at the least thought people might enjoy it! Wondering who it’s signed by. I can only make out the S and B.


I've noticed these wires on my vacation on almost every house in one street. I'm wondering what they are for?


I think NS is already prepared for Halloween 🕷️


Another day, another back-the-bluer learns how things really work


Oh Tomi


Time stood still.


You fool...
