My friend who uses a wheelchair believes his light is acceptable. but when I mention that others may not be able to see, he responds with, "I'm not concerned."

Read also:

App for finding gas stations only offers to search for air OR vacuum, not just vacuum

I only need a vacuum to get rid of the bugs in my car, but the app took me to a place that doesn't have a vacuum because it puts air and vacuum together


Trying to make a post


My friend cuts up tea bags and dumps the leaves directly into the hot water…I don’t even know what to say…do I run?

Like what????


I missed it


Birthday discount….


Someone got fired


Paying 46 € for a haircut and one side is 1 inch longer than the other one

I go to the hairdresser maybe twice a year cause I hate spending so much for litteraly just cutting the ends... Just a straight cut, no thinning, color or whatever, the simplest haircut and they f*** it up. AND DID I MENTION IT WAS 46€ ?!?! 💸🙋


This dude reading the bible at cars stopped at an intersection.


Tear along line to open… or not.

Even went a little below and still missed it. Meh.


In response to the $32k 400 mile air ambulance trip, here's a $46k 32 mile trip
