This is why I don't drink tea, and I keep forgetting.

So, I was born in England but left when I was young. At home, I enjoy tea. But I never drink it when I'm out and every so often I think how I would really fancy a cup of tea. So I order one. And THIS happens. 1) Always get looked at strange when I ask for milk. 2) Always, always get left with the bag. Why are the tea bags always left in my cup? I forget they leave them there so now my tea is WAY overstepped and undrinkable. At best when I remember I'm left with the hassle of finding a way to dispose of the bag without making a mess. When I order a drink, I expect the drink to be made. Completely. So I can enjoy, sip, and finish at my whim. Not so I have to finish making it. Tl/Dr when in England order tea, when in America order coffee.

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