Barfff when I see this! 🤮

Skin crawls when I see this! 🤢🤮😷

Read also:

Don’t Talk to Me (if you do this)!

This should be outlawed!


What happend to the crunch wrap

I remember it being a little bigger. I already have a stomach ache, let's see what happens when I eat this


My school replaced all of the snacks in the vending machine with "healthy" stuff


What is this even supposed to say


Nice parking


Checking a truck I bought, I discovered 4 lugs have been changed to imperial instead of metric, 1 is short and metric, and all of the nuts were cross threaded. I successfully replaced them with new studs and new nuts.


This is why I don't drink tea, and I keep forgetting.

So, I was born in England but left when I was young. At home, I enjoy tea. But I never drink it when I'm out and every so often I think how I would really fancy a cup of tea. So I order one. And THIS happens. 1) Always get looked at strange when I ask for milk. 2) Always, always get left with the bag. Why are the tea bags always left in my cup? I forget they leave them there so now my tea is WAY overstepped and undrinkable. At best when I remember I'm left with the hassle of finding a way to dispose of the bag without making a mess. When I order a drink, I expect the drink to be made. Completely. So I can enjoy, sip, and finish at my whim. Not so I have to finish making it. Tl/Dr when in England order tea, when in America order coffee.


The good folks at Instagram don't think this account violates the rules


My friend who uses a wheelchair believes his light is acceptable. but when I mention that others may not be able to see, he responds with, "I'm not concerned."


App for finding gas stations only offers to search for air OR vacuum, not just vacuum

I only need a vacuum to get rid of the bugs in my car, but the app took me to a place that doesn't have a vacuum because it puts air and vacuum together
