
Read also:

What is this bug (UK)

He does not have boots or snoots


My roomate found this in her room, what is it?


Found this guy making a web connecting to a car. Curious what kind of spider he is. In Ontario, Canada.


What is this bug? Found outside of my window.

This is a macro picture. It was around 2 to 3 cm (1.18 inches). Found in Northern Portugal.


Catepillar ID

Saw this guy when I was dead heading my flowers! Live in upstate NY, TIA


Can anyone tell me what this little guy is? Parents dog tried to eat it.


Not the best picture, but can anyone confirm what kind of spider this is? Found in Michigan


what is this spider?

i live in smyrna tennessee and i found this little guy crawling around in my bathroom, should i be concerned? also sorry i couldn't get a good picture, it kept moving


Just a little spider!

I found him when I was taking pictures for my photo class outside my school, I assume he's some kind of daddy long legs bug I wanted to know if anybody has any more of an idea about it. Some more info is that I'm in New York, the weather's pretty warm out, and he was just kinda out in the open on a wall. I assume it's just kinda a random daddy long legs with nothing special about him but I felt like asking!


Stinging caterpillar

What is this little guy (Pennsylvania) that I grabbed while weeding and not my hand hurts like hell?
