Tip baited

She lives in an apartment that costs $6000+ a month in rent 💀… Shop and pay order. 7 items, only thing missing was the eggs she requested. I called her and kindly explained that the cheapest ones they have are the $4.99 ones and if thats an ok substitution and apologized for the inconvenience. She asked if they really don’t have any other $1.99 eggs at all, which I again said no to, and that I found the cheapest dozen eggs the store had. She said it’s fine. Guess the store being out of cheap nasty eggs is now a driver problem.

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Suddenly hot spots show up again 😂😂


Its getting better


How do we use a voucher to purchase?


Uber telling customers to pick up their own food it's faster is it good or bad for drivers❓


Offer looks too good to be true, should I gamble or take a loss?

I ended up not taking it, maybe if I was high.


Are you accepting this ?


Another Batch of Thank You Drawings I include In All My Deliveries 😺


Big money Fridays 😎


Anybody get these Shop and Pay promo?

I completed the 2 shop and pay orders but didn't get the extra $25. Spoke with several customer service agents but they keep telling me they're unable to pull up our shop and pay orders


Items labeled incorrectly at store

I ordered this thinking I was getting an amazing deal but assuming it was probably too good to be true. The picture of some of these are in the 4packs. What arrived was only 1 each of the drinks, unless I ordered multiple. Thought I was getting 12 high noons and only got 3. It was definitely priced what i would expect per can. The high noons were 2.49 each (that's nyc for ya). The non fireball drinks were all around $3 each. So, I don't want to get the delivery guy in trouble. He did his job right, i think? But I think the store is 100% in the wrong. How should I go about getting a partial refund? Or am I totally SOL? I'm not sure if I want to do missing items or wrong items. Because I'm pretty sure the delivery guy didn't steal it.
