This is the obvious way

Read also:

Supes gets very concerned that the loud litterbox does not relinquish the business after he yell


This is obviously my bed.


She’s mad because I cleaned a hair off her eye


Summoning demons

The dishwasher stopped working. So he didn't get his nightly wooshies. He was very upset.


Trying my underwear on for size


Every night this one-brain-cella-fella curls up next to me while I do my bedtime reading. And when I turn out the light to go to sleep he taps my head repeatedly to make sure I’m not dead.


I thought yall would like this frog I found outside on the handle of the grill before I left for school today

sorry the picture is kinda blurry I was in a rush


Unapologetic femininity is punk rock


Saturday Seawitching - Hope 🐚


Tattoo feels incomplete and patriarchal, help requested

I got this tattoo over the course of two years, finishing about a year ago. I was drawn to Cernnunos for years and actually got that part before I was drawn to my current, evolving mystical practice. The theban letters are H I L T, which stand for humility, integrity, love and trust (my core values). The quote at the bottom is from a book called The Movie Goer. I read it years ago and it just always stuck with me, and I do believe in the sentiment of doing what you believe puts love, compassion etc into this world, even if it feels fruitless. You do it because it’s who you want to be, not because you’ll succeed. However, doing deeper work on my own masculinity (reading Bell Hooks along with other feminist-masculinity writings) and moving into doing that work with other men; I don’t like the good vs evil (concepts I don’t believe in) or the dominator “fighting” aspect of the quote anymore. Side note; the original quote was very man-centric. I changed all the male pronouns to gender neutral. Happy about that choice. I also simple believe the back piece is unfinished. I’d like it to have a feel more like a page out of an old book. I’ve considered a couple birds at the lower corners of my back, maybe a moth across the top. I’m looking for any feedback, critiques, ideas etc. Should I cover up the quote (if so with what)? Should I leave it but alter it somehow? Or should I leave this space alone and go do more of my own work? Any and all thoughts welcomed and appreciated.
