Have you ever wanted an energy drink in noodle form? Well it’s your lucky day!

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I dont know why I do this to myself. Think of random ingredients and think, hey, what would that be like on a tortilla? So this, what i ate today, is cheese, onion rings, sandwich chicken, crushed sour cream and onion chips, ranch, and a god damn slice of garlic bread.

No, it was not good. It was not bad. It was blah.


World Record Stupid


Best new Halloween candy!


Papa johns gave us chicken nuggets. What the hell.


Stupid or genius? Cinnamon bun bacon cheeseburger…


Morning walk!


Just chilling in the stream (bonus corgi)


I have the white-tailed deer variant


Picky almost 6 month old?

Henry turns 6 months in a couple weeks and he's all of sudden picky! He doesn't like a couple of the treats he used to like & this is the kid that I pulled a bird skull out of his mouth when he was 3 months. He's also been humping & stuff more lately so I don't know if it's just him figuring out what he likes & doesn't like but curious if anyone else went through this? Thanks!


Suki is now 3 months old and 20lbs! She is such a lively and smart little golden
