Anybody else like this?

Any body else just use game time as alone time? I deal with people all day and, as you can tell by my gamer score, I don’t get much time to play so when I do it’s single player or sometimes multiplayer with the headset off. I looked through my friends list for the first time in a while and, other than my brother (who I won’t also don’t play games with), I don’t recognize any of the gamertags. It’s not that I’m antisocial, it’s just that game time is “me time” so I like to enjoy a good story at my own pace.

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Sweet Takoyakis


How to start a war with Japan and Italy at the same time


You want a slice?


Wish my memory was 3 seconds too after seeing this


Penis and gravy


Behold: My “Skillet”

There was nothing to indicate on the menu that I was ordering….this.


Some fine dutch culture on a Friday night.


I'm also turning myself in. Totino's birthday pizza cake (8 layers).


This community is increasingly becoming a sub about stupid videos or stupid content creators rather than stupid food. Having actively avoided a lot of featured creators it is frustrating to be constantly exposed to their content anyway (my obligatory pic contribution - spaghetti donuts sold in NY)


My favorite cake.
