The worst kind of teacher starter pack

Read also:

Ready to watch Gen Z wipe the floor with Trump in 2024!


I just hope I live long enough to see this.


Here we go again. Just like the last 50 times they said there was going to be something or someone exposed. This is the leading candidate for the GOP nomination. Congratulations.


The big 3


Waste bin of history!


Too much?


Watching trump lose his absolute shit is honestly great


Simply Not My Vibe

So, before I grew a spine, an ex of mine “surprised” me with a tattoo they’d already picked out as an “anniversary gift”. Really she had been hounding me for months about getting matching sun and moon tattoos and I kept declining, so she drove me to the shop as a last ditch effort to either make me look bad in front of the shop or cave. I was a real people pleaser back then, so I caved. Any thoughts or advice on getting this covered or turned into something else? Should I let it lighten first? Everyone assumes it’s a tattoo from the show Supernatural and that hasn’t really been my vibe since like 2014. No offense to any Supernatural lovers out there.


What can I do with this?

Got this a couple years ago for someone I thought was my ride or die (we’re supposed to be the two women). Recently found out that our relationship isn’t anything like I thought it was, and I just don’t want the reminder anymore. I have no problems with the art or quality or anything. Just wondering what I can do to change the two women or if it’s possible to cover the whole thing w something else


Should I get a cover up or a removal?
