My cat is getting declawed

My cat is getting declawed and I don't get a say in it. He's around 6 months old, and when we get him fixed, he's probably getting declawed as well. My step mom says she couldn't have nice things before this (she had 4 boys, all of which were chaotic as kids, and a cat.) He clawed this one thing she had (don't know what it was) it wasn't bad, but now she's pissed, and is getting him declawed. It's so cruel, I don't want him to suffer at all. I get why she's upset, and I know how frustrating it can be, but she's dead set on declawing. It is LITERALLY ILLEGAL in some countries. Is there anything I can do to help convince her to give him time to grow out of it? Or make her realize how cruel it is? I'm only 15, and because of that, I basically don't get a say in it, as much as I've been objecting to it. My grandparents cat started biting after he got declawed, and he's a mean, asshole cat now.

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Rescued 1 pound kitten

Please help me with my kitten, we rescued her from the grill of our car! She only weighs 1 pound! And I can't get her to gain weight! She eats wet food only won't try the dry! I've even been suggested bye a vet to give her meat baby food!


My demon baby licks my nose until it bleeds, then licks the blood. Any ideas why?

I know cats will lick to show affection/try to groom us, but she is so aggressive PARTICULARLY about my nose. She'll wake me up from her licking it, I have really bad redness/chafing from it. Sometimes she licks so much it bleeds, and then she LICKS THE BLOOD. Any ideas as to why?!


My beautiful old boy, any tips on comforting him?

My beautiful boy turns 23 this year. I remember the day we got him in my childhood and how much joy we all had at getting him and growing up with him. He lives with my mum, who is also older but she tends to his needs like a best friend. My mum is finding his aging process saddening and wants to do everything she can to comfort him, any tips? - He frequently visits the vet and they’ve said he is absolutely fine - just suffering the effects of old age. - he eats a lot less nowadays, finds grooming difficult, my mum grooms him daily.


Toy recommendations

I am the parent of a high energy orange 2 y/o. I try to incorporate as much play time as possible, but because of my work schedule I can't always give her as much play as she wants. Shes not the brightest so independent play isn't her strong suit. Hunting for robo fish in the sink is about all she can do safely. She absolutely loves her lure toy, it's what we play with the most together, but I can tell it's getting old. She loves to stalk and chase it, but after a few catches she wanders off to do her own thing. Are they're any other good toys we can play with together? She's my first cat as an adult and I want to make sure she's getting everything she deserves after being on the streets.


This is the second time he’s vomited up his food in the past couple of weeks, should I be concerned?


Help for Cat

Hello. My one daughter has an 18 year old cat Abigail. We aren't sure how or what happened but the left side of her face is swollen. She hasn't eaten her canned food much today. She may have been injured by her 9 year old cat brother. We can't look in her mouth well enough to see anything. We can't get her in to the emergency vet tonight. We're going to call her regular vet tomorrow. But we are freaking out right now. Any advice will help, thank you. This is a cross post.


She won’t stop peeing in random places

Hi everybody, I have had this cat for many months now but just found this subreddit. This is my cat Gracie. At least 3 times a month she will randomly pee on my parents bed or clothing or on our couches. She uses the litter box just fine but randomly decides to pee on stuff. We have another cat and they are far from friends. We have taken her to the vet and they said that she is perfectly healthy. Any ideas why she would be doing this? Any ideas on how to stop her from doing this?


Why is he puking so much?!


Love my cat 🐈 , but he has been meowing for a lot attention lately. He was a stray/abandoned cat I made friends with during COVID departure & lives with me since - how can I discourage it 🤷🏼‍♂️

Try to ignore ?


What can we do for this little guy?

My friend has been taking care of this cat. He's very much a scrappy neighborhood cat who frequently shows up with scrapes from other frisky felines who run these streets. She said a couple weeks ago he had dark goop under his eyes that she wiped off but it came back worse and worse ever since. Now his eye area looks red and puffy. Do you all have advice on what we can do for him. We are both not in a good position to pay vet bills, so we are hoping you all know of home remedies or cheap over the counter solutions that could make a difference for this sweet ruffian. TIA
