She won’t stop peeing in random places

Hi everybody, I have had this cat for many months now but just found this subreddit. This is my cat Gracie. At least 3 times a month she will randomly pee on my parents bed or clothing or on our couches. She uses the litter box just fine but randomly decides to pee on stuff. We have another cat and they are far from friends. We have taken her to the vet and they said that she is perfectly healthy. Any ideas why she would be doing this? Any ideas on how to stop her from doing this?

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Why is he puking so much?!


Love my cat 🐈 , but he has been meowing for a lot attention lately. He was a stray/abandoned cat I made friends with during COVID departure & lives with me since - how can I discourage it 🤷🏼‍♂️

Try to ignore ?


What can we do for this little guy?

My friend has been taking care of this cat. He's very much a scrappy neighborhood cat who frequently shows up with scrapes from other frisky felines who run these streets. She said a couple weeks ago he had dark goop under his eyes that she wiped off but it came back worse and worse ever since. Now his eye area looks red and puffy. Do you all have advice on what we can do for him. We are both not in a good position to pay vet bills, so we are hoping you all know of home remedies or cheap over the counter solutions that could make a difference for this sweet ruffian. TIA


My cat keeps on waking me up

So I feed my cat around 7am right after I wake up to get ready for school but my cat has made it a habit to try to wake me up around 6 and it's now becoming very annoying, espically on the weekend when I have no reason to get up that early. I would just keep her outside my room but her litterbox is in here and she has a habit of being on the counter which my mom doesn't like. Does anybody know why she does this and how I can get her to stop.


How do I get her to stop peeing next to the litter box

She has hyperthyroidism. She takes medication for it and is doing well. She has a habit of peeing next to the litter box. I bought her puppy pee pads and she uses those. I want to be able to do without puppy pads but I believe she will still pee next to the litter box. How can I get her to use the litter box again?


It’s great seeing an icon keeping it real.


Even the real estate agents aren't safe from editing...


Confident and beautiful


Found this on a guys page after reading his rant about girls not looking like their pics IRL

And the comments did not disappoint! They were all so oblivious talking about how tight she must be down there, they were practically… well, you could probably guess. It was pretty sad to read though. And *really* gross.


Lol, right
