Long hair cat hates to be brushed

My boy Rocky has fairly long hair. He gets knots in his fur and will not let me brush him to detangle his fur. How can I make the brushing easier on him so he will let me get the knots out?

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Small bump, along with one eye having greenish discharge

Not the best pic. Noticed my little man (13yo) has a bump on his neck area. Doesn’t seem to bother him. On top of this he’s had some discharge out of his eye but that is getting better- we assumed it may have been conjunctivitis. He’s lost a little weight and muscle in his legs but the vet said that’s usually due to age. He’s eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom normally. He’s acting normally all around. He and I did move at the end of July and that’s been the only big change but he adjusted quickly. Not sure if this bump is just a mole type situation or something to worry about? I’ll be keeping an eye on it regardless. Thanks!


He has this small little bump on the top corner of his eye?

he didn’t have it yesterday i just noticed it right now? in the past month he’s had problems with this eye, it gets this thin ring around it and his eye sort of tears up. i can tell it bothers him cuz he kind of itches it but it always disappears after a day. he’s only a 4 month old and we can’t afford a vet right now, can someone please tell me if this is an urgent issue? or is it some type of allergy?


They don't let me leave the house. What to do in such situations?


This isYara

I have a 5 month (we think)old kitten she’s a rescue and I adopted her a month ago , she was deworm before we adopted her and test negative for leukemia, she has a microchip implanted, now she had a bad eye but she can see and a lump that feels like three on the side on her neck (submandibular area) and we went to the vet and the vet told us that she is to little so she doesn’t think is cancer , probably what’s causing the infection of the eye is causing the lump this was the official diagnosis: feline viral rhinotracheitis She send her some eye drops (tobrex three times a day in both eyes) and some pills ( doxycare 40mg half a pill once a day) now my cat it’s feeling good she’s always been good eating and playing but now the lumps have grown have an appointment for next Wednesday but I don’t If waiting that much is ok I don’t want to change vets cuz all the five months the vet is the one who has been treating her , can someone help me or explain me a little more what could it be


He pooped on our bed!! What can we do?

Our indoor cat took a dump on our bed? But otherwise he's just his normal self. He has two litter boxes which were both clean and it's the same litter he normally has. Any suggestions on how we can avoid this happening again?


Why did she start peeing in the sink and randomly pooping outside the litter box


They always stare on my food when I just come to kitchen…


What does my cat have under his mouth?

Apeard in this week


New kitten and resident cat need help!


Eye help, vet visit needed?

I just noticed this on her eye yesterday. Cause for concern? She’s 5 years old and has frequent eye boogers that are brown, I thought that was just goo but it hasn’t gone away.
