i’m stuck on the daily challenge, i tried moving my rook and bishop but it all fails

Read also:

How is this brilliant


There’s 2 beautiful mates here. Who can find them?


Possible brillint move?

Why this isn’t labelled as brilliant but only great?


It’s WTP, mate in one from Polgar’s puzzle book. How did black even get into this position? I can’t think of any legal move that preceded this.

I know it’s just a puzzle to make you see the mate, but I sometimes like to imagine what preceded it, so I can learn to recognise the necessary setup


Another Don't resign post. He got greedy wanting 3 queens on the board


After 3 months of nonstop playing, I finally beat Antonio!


This my friends is why you don’t need 4 queens! #Stalemate


Help understanding

I've recently started playing and I see that no matter what, the first thing most people do is taking the knights with the bishop. I understand that it may be helpful to create double pawns to ruin the pawn structure but sometimes people do it regardless of whether there would be a double pawn or not. I'm the 600-800 ELO range now. Is this just beginner's anxiety to get the knights off the board, or am I missing a broader tactic? It was my understanding that bishops and knights had similar value depending on whether you're playing an open or closed position.


I can believe in divine action.


My opponent robbed me of the chance to play my first ever smothered mate
