Found this in front of my window

I have no idea why it was left there.

Read also:

Outside of a home built in 1970


Found in the floor when cleaning the room

One guess was a bullet tip or something I think it's a tool of some sort


Cement(?) balls. Found originally in a pile of maybe 20-25 on my kids school grounds. Didn't have my phone the first time and most have disappeared by now.


What do the pictures for June and September meant to be signifying?

I bought this busy book for my baby but can't figure out why there is a pair of glasses and mustache for June and a hard hat/hammer for September. I am already annoyed that November appears to show Halloween as surely this should be shown in October...


It's 2 feet off the floor in the living room

There's no opening and nothing on the other side of the wall. I live in a townhouse.


Part of a collection...

We were told he got this from one of his foreign military travels in the late clue what its for or what it is. Looks like something like a bell but enclosed with a hole for a tassel??


Bought at an estate sale. Looks possibly Hindu?


Found at mall food court. It took away my appetite for Chipotle it was so freaky.


What is the part that holds the bowl on the bottom of the carb called?

Has a two prong connector at the bottom. Marked 78a. It's off a onan generator. I believe it's bad. What is it and can it be tested for functionality?


What type of tattoo is this?

I saw this in a youtube video on Kanel Joseph’s channel. One of his friends thought it was KKK tattoo. Please let me know since I was wondering myself because I have never seen anything like it.
