What is this? Please tell me its just a spider (UK, East midlands)

I apologise if the picture isn't very clear, I'm terrified of insects and eas too scared to get closer for fear of it jumping at me. (Had this happen before) Found in my bathroom

Read also:

saw a few of these outside my house, looks like a widow but with a tarantula-esque thorax. about an inch in legspan, south California


Is this a cockroach?!

Friend found this in their room. Sorry pic is grainy, they were too scared to get close


Anyone know this ~1” butterfly that appears to have blue wings when it flies? Toronto, Canada

Photographed from the sunlight that there’s rainbow glare from the wings.


What is this multi legged fella on my wall that my cat is very eager to catch?

Washington DC, I’ve seen them before but not sure if I should let him attempt to catch it


South Dallas, TX

What's this little guy, he's got buddies.


Termite or Ant?

Found these guys in my kitchen sink. Located in Los Angeles. House was previously tented for termites in April, but neighboring homes are having termite issues. Please help!


Weird lookin caterpillar with eyeballs | California, USA


What is this guy

I’ve left this spider chill by our back door for a few weeks, just wondering what it is!


Is this a bug?

These were condensed in one area of my sleeve. They were scratchy and very hard to remove and they were not moving.


Who is them (Florida Panhandle)
