Power outage and surprised her cable & internet are out…

I used to work for the cable company and this person is 100% serious. People will angry call their Cable & Internet providers when the electricity is out and lose their minds if the service isn’t working when they hook up a generator. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Read also:

This isn’t the own you think it is, dude…


It just so happens that Mr. "Big D" Dylas has a horse form in-game


No more scattered controllers makes me happy


My most anticipated games of 2023 comes out in less than a week!


Getting married tomorrow. Here is my grooms cake


Literally Unplayable


I love the shadows and atmosphere of Baldur's Gate 3

Especially the Underdark. The shadows, fog & artistic style really came together.


Perfectly balanced ⚖️


This game seriously deserves the DOOM 2016 treatment


I brought the Rock Band and Guitar Hero games to a workplace employee appreciation event…

We had an employee appreciation day at work last weekend and I brought my Xbox 360, a TV, two guitars and the microphone, and all of the Rock Band and Guitar Hero games. It was so much fun finally playing some of those games multiplayer again for the first time in forever, but the thing was all of the employees (mostly ~17-19 year old teenagers) were TERRIBLE at it. Like, they can’t even hit most notes on Easy. I was rolling through Hard and Expert and they were awestruck. It’s weird how we went from these games being so huge and everyone of a certain age learning how to play them and appreciate some classic and popular rock, to them becoming played out and worthless as people abandoned their plastic instruments en masse, to now being valuable again because of how many were junked and now people are wanting to experience them again. I feel like every generation should get to experience this sort of musical euphoria (feeing like you’re playing) and learning at least something about musical scales and compositions, but instead the burnout made an entire generation miss out on learning anything about that generation of music and the appreciation of knowing how to play an instrument. And as it stands now, these musical games may never make their comeback.
