Jack Harkness: a true Homie

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Unexpected tip

Last night, as I was just about to call it a day, I get an order that is $10 for less than 3 miles. So I accept it and head to the restaurant. The employee double checks the order before handing it to me. Its a huge bag with 5 items listed on the receipt. I deliver the food and hand it to the customer who's not very courteous (as opposed to most customers). Anyway, I'm done and heading back home. I get a phone call and it's the customer. He says half his food is missing. I tell him I've delivered whatever the restaurant gave me and as a delivery driver I'm not supposed to open the bag and check what's inside the packed bag. I offer him to go back to the restaurant and check if there's a bag I missed. Next, I call the restaurant who after checking for food bags in the pickup section tell me they gave me all the food for that customer. I'm like something is not right. At this point, I've only received $2.27 for the delivery. I'm thinking I'm not getting the $8 tip for this order. Maybe the restaurant messed up the order, or maybe the customer just wants free food (I try not to think negatively about people generally). Anyway, I get back home and as I'm having dinner, I see that this customer tipped me $17.97. Goes without saying, I was surprised. I just woke up and I'm still in awe. This was perhaps the most unexpected tip I received.
