Why tho

Read also:

wish me luck

72 hours on NSW trainlink over 7 consecutive nights


Fairy dishwashing tablets currently 40% off at Coles for $33.60, decided to check the local dollar shop. Exact same product.


I salute our brave whistleblowers who fearlessly rocked the boat!


cute little baby ringtail possum that was found inside his deceased mothers pouch. healthy and happy after a few days of heavy treatment and lots of love

he was happiest when held in my hand or put in my pocket while i worked. super cute and cuddly baby. he was moved to a possum rehabilitation centre/foster care as soon as he was healthy enough to do so. unfortunately more possums get euthanised then they do get saved. foster carers and rehab centres won’t take them if they are too young, no matter how healthy they are. they will then be euthanised instead, which is really upsetting.


I found broken soft plastic in my baby's food. Any recommendations on what steps to take to properly report this?


Do you remember, when for a crisp twenty bucks, this was yours.


Just tried BBQ Shapes first time in forever - I think they're good again


What did I come across? Eery gigantic empty "pool" in NSW bush

On a road trip approx. 12 years ago we pulled off the highway somewhere between Sydney and Northern NSW (seeking somewhere to camp). Drove down a narrow dirt track until the scrub got too dense to drive through. Decided to continue walking down the track to see where it led. Came to a chain link fence, behind it a HUGE blue concrete "pool" (only thing I can draw comparison to). In the middle of one of the sides was metal stairs leading up over the edge to a metal "catwalk" that continued straight above the pool and stopped right in the centre, with no barrier at the end. Additional info: - I don't know where I was exactly, I have tried google satellite view up and down potential stopping points but have not found anything so far. - Why didn't I take a photo? I literally have no idea. I was 20, with my husband, we likely didn't have reception anyway so left phones in the car? I do know that as soon as I saw it, I just wanted to get out of there. The weirdest thing to me is that the metal catwalk just ended half way across. Trying to justify it at the time, I though maybe some kind of cattle abituare? (But that made no sense with just dense bush around. Also why would you walk livestock up above/ into the middle of a giant pool to kill them and throw them into the 'pool') I so hope someone knows what this kind of set up would be used for. Thank you (See: My very average Canva diagrams to give you a clearer idea of what I mean).


The Standard You Row Past.. and all that - Jon Kudelka


Nationals announced a 40% off sale on all Hot dogs, Chicken Tenders, fries and sausages for all fans who are still at the game
