Poll: Top tier Bone Necros - Choose 1

It's actually really hard to tell which is better in combat. Honestly really like the life on kill more than I'd expect. Even in high level NM dungeons where it's 1 shot them before they one shot you and 2h sword seems like ot should be superior I sometimes find myself equipping the 2h scythe. The crit nerf makes the choice harder cause if it were still the 55% crit dmg like it used to be I bet the 2h sword would shine more. Guess even though people were mad it was a decent balance choice atleast for the amount you get on the Swords. Maybe not overall.

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Why tho


wish me luck

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I salute our brave whistleblowers who fearlessly rocked the boat!


cute little baby ringtail possum that was found inside his deceased mothers pouch. healthy and happy after a few days of heavy treatment and lots of love

he was happiest when held in my hand or put in my pocket while i worked. super cute and cuddly baby. he was moved to a possum rehabilitation centre/foster care as soon as he was healthy enough to do so. unfortunately more possums get euthanised then they do get saved. foster carers and rehab centres won’t take them if they are too young, no matter how healthy they are. they will then be euthanised instead, which is really upsetting.


I found broken soft plastic in my baby's food. Any recommendations on what steps to take to properly report this?


Do you remember, when for a crisp twenty bucks, this was yours.
