Painted Gandalf as Uncle Sam in the famous U.S. Army poster.

Read also:

Dark lord Sauron caught in 4K. (It's an edit I did on the vision of artist Fabio Paiva.)


Found a vintage childrens literature book that had lots of stories in it. Randomly flipping through to take some pictures and found this!


Ian McKellen's 'Grey Book' and 'White Book': His Journal during the Lord of the Rings Films PDF


MIL turned a wonderful thing into something bad about her and her money


My ex-MIL everyone…

She doesn’t know we recently became atheists after being a devout Christian my whole life & I ditched anti-vaxx ways years ago. Her religion is Messianic Christian so ya know she’s already waaayy out there. But since becoming atheist there’s no way on earth I would put my kid in a Christian school — even if they weren’t costly…


My mother, mad that I made a post about my gender reveal being ruined because she started telling people the gender

Original comment is my mom, reply is an old coworker. She swore up and down she wouldn’t tell anyone and decided to admit to me the day before she told my sister. Not entirely sure she hasn’t told anyone else either. She was never name dropped but didn’t like the comments saying she was in the wrong. I had literally planned the reveal later in the day despite it being more inconvenient just so my sister could attend to find out with everyone.


Using 'etc.' in an apology after taking your anger out on your child and telling them to go upstairs because they're 'not helpful enough, anyway,' isn't a very good idea.


Thanks mom, very cool


This left me spechless…smh..


If it wasn’t for the arrow I wouldn’t have found the (un)funny
