Can someone make it sharper and add color to my grandma on a horse? Will tip $5 to best one. Thank you!

Read also:

I volunteer with a group that researches and publishes stories about local U.S. service members that were killed in action. A lot of our photos are newspaper clippings, faded photos, etc. I'm looking for some paid help to modernize and colorize >150 photos. Sample attached for $15 tip.


Can someone put my friend into an ice cream van please?


Working on my Mom’s funeral picture; would someone be able to clean up the picture and background, and take my Dad’s ear and my shoulder out the picture so I can feature this on the obituary and program? All help is appreciated - thank you…


I’m babysitting my nephew and I want to freak out my BIL. Can someone make it look like he’s drinking/eating something he’s not supposed to? LOL


This is my dog Alfredo, do something fun with him. I can't tip


Can someone please "clean" my face from moles and imperfections? (Well, good luck with that). My federation will put my photo on the official website


My sister's dog has terminal cancer and I want to frame this photo for her - could someone please remove his eye goober from this photo?


$20 CDN to the person that does the best replacing this deck with an extravagant one (maybe a tikki bar). Want it to be somewhat believable for a prank.


Old Picture fix - can someone please help remove the cracks in this Polaroid and remove the brown on top. TY


Turn my random sidecar companion into Harry?
