Help with anxiety

We recently adopted Rhona, a very sweet 1 1/2 y/o G.R. who was neglected. She is a great companion to ou 2 1/2 y/o G.R. Duncan. She has settled in well except for anxiety behaviors; barking at anything, and chewing on objects other than toys such as area rugs, furniture legs, and just yesterday, a window sill. We can crate her, but then she will chew on her tail. The vet suggested Anxitane, a OTC medication which has a synthetic form of green tea (L-Theanine). We both come home for lunch and let the dogs out to run around for an hour or so, then are home again at 4 pm ish. Does anyone have advice?

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He literally sleep everywhere


Finn is getting a little sister next month

Our good boy is almost 3 and starting to become a well rounded obedient young adult. So, we are getting another puppy next month! A female King Charles cavalier, she is super cute and hopefully they become the best of friends. Wish us luck!


Charlie's serene daytime siesta


Just two besties.


Happy Birthday Fraser


Vibing in her shoes


My good boy Wally turned 7 months yesterday.


so proud of herself for finding rats


My beautiful 10 week old Winston 🐾


Muddy Puddles are Awesome

Rafa was due for a bath anyway, so we let him go wild in a mud puddle he came across on a walk. I think it’s safe to say that he enjoyed himself. 😄
