Weird looking navigation bar,why?

I’m having this blue colour square on the navigation bar which was previously not there. Is it with anyone else?

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My Otterbox phone case has warped at the side and bottom. Can anyone recommend a case that won’t do this?


14 pro camera issue

I noticed when watching videos back from recent holiday that there was a green line appearing on some of them. On investigation I’ve discovered this appears to be an issue with the 3x optical zoom lens. What was confusing me is that it disappears sometimes when in 3x zoom, but I now believe that is because the phone switches between optical (3x lens) & digital (main lens) zoom depending on lighting. Is this a well known issue & does anybody know what the likely fix will be?


Why is there a black glow on my notifications?

it appeared one day and i don't know why


How do you actually take a good moon picture with iphone?

During the blue moon, I tried the 30 seconds night mode and this is the best I can get. Some reels suggest to lower the exposure, but if I lower the exposure the night mode would only allow a few seconds and the moon picture didn’t turn out great as well.


Purple dots on camera while zooming? iPhone 14

I have figured out while zooming two purple dots are appearing, looks like dead pixels.. Also, there is no physical damage on camera, is this under warranty?


Infographic: The price of every iPhone adjusted for inflation, including rumored iPhone 15 prices


my friend just recieved this hes mailed apple but to me looks like a scam


Chad Metal Bat vs Virgin Darkshine


Tier list based on how characters would react to a flying mosquito in the classroom


The hero association will be doomed if king gets checkmated
