Every text I've ever received comes through at 30am every day

Title. Has anyone else every experienced this? I have found 0 trace of this online, and have no clue how to fix it. The weirdest part is it happened on my old iPhone and transferred to my new one. Has been happening for probably 5 years, without fail.

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Why does it keep changing my phone to this exact volume

Been doing it multiple times a way for like a week


Instagram stories are not uploading when app is minimized

Does anybody know why this is happening? If I do not go to instagram app again, it will stay at 14% forever.


My system data is huge and deleting apps and downloads only increases it… how do I resolve this??

Some background - my other half very kindly bought me a new phone. I restored my old phone backup only for it to pretty much fill the storage instantly. My WhatsApp hasn’t been able to restore any media from prior to 1st Sep when I set up the phone, and is waiting for me to free up storage. I realised my Dropbox was taking up 55GB in data even though I was only using 71% of 2.5GB storage in there, so I deleted it thinking the problem would be resolved… nope! Exactly the same amount popped up in ‘system data’. I’ve been trying other ways to reduce data usage to get my WhatsApp media to at least restore and then do a full backup of WhatsApp and my phone and then delete and restore, but everything I delete creates more system data and puts me in a worse situation. Please help! Everything online shows people deleting apps and system data magically decreases but it’s the exact opposite for me. TIA!!


Weird looking navigation bar,why?

I’m having this blue colour square on the navigation bar which was previously not there. Is it with anyone else?


My Otterbox phone case has warped at the side and bottom. Can anyone recommend a case that won’t do this?


14 pro camera issue

I noticed when watching videos back from recent holiday that there was a green line appearing on some of them. On investigation I’ve discovered this appears to be an issue with the 3x optical zoom lens. What was confusing me is that it disappears sometimes when in 3x zoom, but I now believe that is because the phone switches between optical (3x lens) & digital (main lens) zoom depending on lighting. Is this a well known issue & does anybody know what the likely fix will be?


Why is there a black glow on my notifications?

it appeared one day and i don't know why


How do you actually take a good moon picture with iphone?

During the blue moon, I tried the 30 seconds night mode and this is the best I can get. Some reels suggest to lower the exposure, but if I lower the exposure the night mode would only allow a few seconds and the moon picture didn’t turn out great as well.


Purple dots on camera while zooming? iPhone 14

I have figured out while zooming two purple dots are appearing, looks like dead pixels.. Also, there is no physical damage on camera, is this under warranty?


Infographic: The price of every iPhone adjusted for inflation, including rumored iPhone 15 prices
