My cat won’t stop chewing and then swallowing strings.

This is my Manx cat, Luna. She had always chewed my hair to the point she cuts through it. She has a pattern where she loves chewing through anything with the texture of bathing suit string, elastics on pants, straps on shirts and dresses. I keep them all hidden but she has literally opened my dresser drawers to open things and chew on them. She has had more than one surgery and it makes me feel like the worst pet parent. Is there anything I can do that would make her actually stop chewing or is it just keeping everything hidden and hoping she doesn’t find her way in it?

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My kitty queen is stealing my hair?

Okay I know it sounds weird but my beloved queen of my heart has started to Mat/Pulling out my hair while I’m sleeping. She’s slept on my head for the last 16 years and never done this before. Cleanish bill of health from vet aside from being ancient (she’s 21). Is she going senile? Is she building a birds nest? Is she trying to tell me something ? I don’t want to break her heart by exiling her from my pillow but I also don’t want to have little baby hairs from her pulling it out and also detangling it is a pain in the morning. If I put it in a ponytail she gets mad and rips it out strand by strand. Help!


peeing outside the litter box?

* I’ve taken him to the vet twice, both times tests were ran and they told me it was purely behavioral. * When i first got Romeo he would pee in the litter box, but poop in the wrong places. after a while, he started pooping in the box but not peeing in it. (if he goes to poop, he will also pee at the same time in the litter box) each time he has an accident, i clean it up immediately and throughly with a carpet cleaning vacuum and an enzymatic cleaner. he chooses a new spot occasionally. I scoop the litter boxes three times a day, we have five of them for our four cats and they are placed all around, in both hidden and more open places. the litter we use is tidycats free&clean lightweight. also worth noting: Romeo is five and a rescue kitty from a situation i know almost nothing about, other than there were dogs that he was terrified of. when i adopted him, his file didn’t say anything similar to what i’m experiencing. he is my little baby and i’m genuinely willing to clean up cat pee every morning for the rest of his life, but ideally i wouldn’t like to. please offer any suggestions!!


Cats right eye is bigger than left, is this bad?

He had just woken up from a nap if that helps at all, he went right back to sleep.


Can you please clarify if this is dirt or ticks/parasites and what I should do with it? thanks!


Resident cat and new kitten need help!

I have a 14 year old resident cat who’s lovely, affectionate and wonderful with humans but really not good with other animals, especially cats. We have a new kitten who’s around 13 weeks and we’ve had her for a little over a month. We’ve been using the tried and tested method of having them completely separate, kitten in home base, getting used to each other’s smells and sounds first, then a partial viewing through the gap in the door, and now we’re feeding them like this (pics attached). My cat is still hissing and growling as she’s still eating. Kitten is fine with the cat. I was just feeding them and the kitten went to go through the bars of the baby gate as she’s realised that she fits, and my cat went mad and swiped at her and made allll the sounds. Kitten ran away and hid obviously. I know it’s only been a month, but I’m not really seeing much improvement other than she knows she has to come to the top or the stairs for her food, and that she’s eating it now whereas she sort of went on food strike initially. Is there anything else I can do to get resident cat more comfortable and less territorial? I just want them to get along so I can love them both together and they can both have a companion! 🥺


UPDATE: How to get siblings ready to be seperated?

I got a lot of advice on my post asking how to prep my rescue trio to be seperated! (Two going together to my friend's house, and one staying with me). Last night, the two tabbies went to their new home! I wanted to share a picture of the two of them now vs the two of them when I first got them because they're adorable, and also thank this sub for the help. 🥰 The kitten left behind is doing well! It only took a few minutes for her to seem unbothered that her siblings were taken out of the house without her, and she's been bonding well with our oldest cat. The two tabbies love the new house they get to explore! Thank you to everyone who gave advice on my last post. 🥰


Bringing a New Kitten tips

Hi! This is my 5y/o cat, this week we’re bringing a kitten than my friend rescue on the freeway. Any tips for an introduction as smooth as possible? Both are females the new kitten vet estimates 4/5 weeks old.


First day with new cat, completely disappeared

So we got a cat yesterday, she has a litterbox and food and we kept her in a single room. The first day she hid under a couch but she came out to briefly pee and eat during the middle of the night. This morning, my parents decided to flip the couch so she couldn't hide there, she stayed mostly behind this mirror next to a bed. We had all left the room at one point, and when we came back maybe 10 minutes later we could not find her anywhere. It has been maybe 3 hours since and we searched everywhere in the room, and around the house. Nobody saw the cat move and she didn't make any noises before, my dad wanted to vacuum so he did and she didn't come out. Do you guys have any tips? Do we just wait? What happens if it's been a day and we still can't find her?


Why does she keep killing roaches and putting them in my room


Bathroom Takeover

My cat is 9, almost 10. Has essentially never used litter boxes her entire life. She uses puppy pads that we spread around our second bathroom. The Wife and I call it the “cat bathroom” because we’ve given up on ever being able to use it ourselves. We’ve tried probably dozens of different litters and boxes to no avail. It obviously doesn’t smell the best since there’s no litter to mask the dooky smell. So we go through a lot of plugins and such. Has anyone had a similar experience and figured out a way to get their fuzz ball to start using a litter box later in life even just a little bit?
