Her nose gets runny a lot. Sometimes it’ll be super snotty and she’s sneezing a ton, and other times she’ll be completely normal. None of the other cats get runny noses

Just wondering if it’s anything to be concerned about? This has been happening for about a year I’d say. She seems fine when her nose is stuffed, just snores and sneezes when it’s super clogged. I wipe the crusty bits off when it gets bad. And like I said, none of the other cats have gotten sick so I don’t think it’s a cold but I’m not completely sure. Thank you in advance!

Read also:

Older cat & teeth?

Just writing this feels dumb, but my cat is showing pain when she eats her treats. She is around 14. I don’t usually look into her mouth too much, but when she yawned upside down the other day I saw that her molars are very discolored. When she gets her treats (Temptations, 8pm sharp. Mix’n match or else::, she’ll eat them all. Lick her chops. Then step toward the door. Paw at her muzzle. Try and ´dislodge ´ something in her teeth. Paw at her muzzle again. Then fall headfirst on the floor from trying to ‘get rid’ of something in hwr mouth. It lasts for about 20 seconds. I know the obvious solution is to switch to creamy treats. I’m also wondering if her teeth might become more-than infected if I don’t bring her to the vet? Is there a point in considering dental extractions at her age? Part of me is trying to come to terms with my special agent kitten not being so invincible anymore Thanks for any advice !


Diarrhea help!

I work as a vet tech and someone surrendered over this kitten. This is Bones he’s a 13 week old kitten, he’s had a rough start when he was younger he got both his front legs broken by a dog a then got ringworm. He had diarrhea for 3 straight weeks, has had multiple negative fecals, been dewormed 3 times and was put on Albon. We sent out a diarrhea pcr panel which came back negative for every. It cleared up for about a week and he was doing great then he got put on ringworm oral meds and it started back up again. He’s on probiotic with digestive enzymes, digestive support kitten food and I add phylum powder to his wet food. His poor behind is so red and he stinks! He’s been to the vet multiple times and we are just hoping he grows out of it.


We've never noticed this on his nose before

Our pretty monster has a small discolored line across his nose. We've never noticed it wasn't completely black before, so we are worried this might be a sign of something. Also it seems as if the structure of the skin is different from the rest of the nose, which we don't see on our other cat. Should we be worried and take him to the vet, or are we overreacting?


Introducing a new kitten to the one I've had for only a week??

This is my current kitten! I've only had him just about a week now. Last night at my job, someone literally threw a kitten out of their car window and into the bushes. My coworkers rescued it but didn't want it, and asked me to take it in this morning. It'll be coming home with me after this shift. It's about the size of my current one, maybe even smaller. I need tips on how to introduce these kittens! Do they need to be separated for a while?? Are there health risks from having them near each other?? I'd hate to let my current healthy kitten get sick, I don't know the health of the new one yet, but this little boy has already been to the vet and is healthy as can be.


Should I be concerned about the dots on my cat's nose, or am I overanalyzing?


Why is he so weird..

This is stapler..he got out of his harness today only to run over and smell fallen pines off a pine tree. My only question is WHY DIDNT HE RUN AWAY. He was so mad at me (he’s still harness training) growling and hissing, and he didn’t run away in teenage angst? He hasn’t even gone through an emo phase yet. Also can I get some links to some overhead cat harnesses he prefers those ones and he grew out of his old one.


Aggressive Cat I Don’t Know what to Do

My cat (3M, tuxedo) recently moved into an apartment with two roommates and another cat. Everything was okay for the first few weeks, but then he started getting really aggressive. He seriously bites someone at least once a week and it’s only my roommates. I took him to a vet and his blood and urine work came back perfect. I got him off Craigslist in 2020– i was told he was 9 weeks old (and a girl) but when I took him to the vet, they told me he was in fact a 5 week old boy. He grew up in college with me so he is used to being around people— in fact, he loves being around people and will yell when he’s left alone. He seemingly attacks out of nowhere. One minute he is calm and cute and the next he just violently attacks. It has become a very serious issue and it’s getting to the point where I feel like the only solution is to put him up for adoption. He has bit one roommate so bad sepsis started to set it, and he keeps seriously biting my other roommate. The only person he doesn’t bite is me. We’ve tried Feliway, keeping him separated from the other cat (he like to yowl outside her door, which is causing her to urinate all over the room). I really need advice. I love him to death but I really don’t think i’m equipped to deal with him. i can’t afford intensive behavioral therapy as i’m saving for law school. I’ve owned cats before and they’ve never had problems like this. i don’t want to give him up as i made a commitment when i adopted him, but that’s looking like my only option. any and all advice is greatly appreciated.


Cat Keeps Meowing

In the last couple of months my 3-year-old cat Maggie has become increasingly vocal throughout the day. She’ll just sit and meow at nothing for several minutes, and when I approach her to see what’s going on she trills and rubs against my legs, or will lead me to the areas where we keep her food or toys. I know this might just be her being bored, or wanting food or attention, but the fact that this started relatively recently has me concerned. She’s eating, drinking, playing, and using the litter box just fine!


Bloated belly

Our orange buddy has a bloated belly. We already know he has a strong positive for cat scratch fever which we are treating with antibiotics and a mean overbite which he is getting surgery for next week. He seems to be less playful lately but that may be my wife and I’s paranoia over his health. Any idea if this could be a symptom of the antibiotics or should we be more concerned.


My cat won’t stop chewing and then swallowing strings.

This is my Manx cat, Luna. She had always chewed my hair to the point she cuts through it. She has a pattern where she loves chewing through anything with the texture of bathing suit string, elastics on pants, straps on shirts and dresses. I keep them all hidden but she has literally opened my dresser drawers to open things and chew on them. She has had more than one surgery and it makes me feel like the worst pet parent. Is there anything I can do that would make her actually stop chewing or is it just keeping everything hidden and hoping she doesn’t find her way in it?
