Geriatric Felon Benefit Dinner was today...

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Akron's Farm Table 456 E. South st Akron ohio


19yrs old, and chillin with Dad on the deck! ❤️❤️❤️


19yrs old, and chillin with Dad on the deck! ❤️❤️❤️


I moved Jo's (15) kitty hammock next to my desk so he can be close yet still have his cozy space. I think he likes it. 😺


19yrs old. Chelsea! Loves my heating pad!


It's impossible not to smile around you (13F). ❤️


Clara 14 y/o won’t eat. Multiple exams don’t show anything abnormal except high Glob in blood.

My 14 y/o cat Clara became extremely lethargic about 3 weeks ago. A week later, she stopped eating. This is a cat who would lovingly yell at me if the bottom of her treat bowl would show. During this week, she didn’t touch her treats or eat any wet food but she was still drinking water. I tried switching up her food, bought different brands, and nothing seemed to work. On Labor Day, I was convinced she was dying (I’ve had her since she was a kitten and my thoughts got the best of me) so I just laid on the floor with her, bawling my eyes out, saying my goodbyes. I needed to give her a fighting chance and I was determined to take her to her vet the next day as a walk-in, even if I had to sit there all day. I called them in the morning (they are an hour away) and explained my situation and they told me to head over there. I waited a while, but got in, and I broke down with the Vet telling her every detail of the past 2 weeks. She’s known Clara since 2014, so she was really concerned about her change so quickly. Mind you, Clara just had her annual exam in late May! Anyway, they ran a bunch of exams and X-rays that day and I waited around for results. Everything in the blood was normal, thyroid was functioning properly, no fever, nothing that stood out in the X-rays. There was one marker in Clara’s blood that came out high: Glob. Vet said it could be inflammation or infection or something scary like cancer. That was my worry. She recommended an ultrasound and I agreed. The person who performs the ultrasounds is from out of town (2 hours) and she wasn’t sure when he could come back. I just told her that I would wait for the call to bring Clara back. I got the call a couple of hours later, and took Clara in the next morning for the exam, picked her up after work and waited two days for the results. I got the call yesterday during my lunch break. She said nothing abnormal showed up in the ultrasound. Not a darn thing. Yes, it was a relief, but now we are puzzled as to why my Clara bear isn’t eating as she normally would? And why isn’t she yelling at me when I walk in the door anymore demanding food? She recommended I continue to change her food and try new things. Maybe it’s because she’s getting older and she’s going through a change? I have no idea. That’s what I’m banking on right now. I have a scheduled appt for Thursday if I don’t see an improvement in Clara this weekend/early week. Last night, she ate a tuna Churu. This morning, I bought new dry food and she had a couple of pieces. She still drinks water regularly. So, cat people of Reddit, any advice for my fur baby? 🥺 TLDR: My senior cat is going through something and won’t eat. Test results show everything normal except for a high marker in blood: Glob.
