Mate in 4. please try to find it and state your rating in the comments (how likely are you going to find this chessmate during a game of blitz )

Read also:

this is why you never ever resign. ever


Ah yes, why didn’t I think of that


This was the solution to a puzzle my question is as black why don't I fork the king and rook and take the rook on the following turn.


Can someone explain why? I took a pawn


Why is this move great even though I missed mate in 1?


Very proud of this THOROUGHLY calculated brilliant I played in a daily game


cab someone explain why was this a blunder?

I wone the match in the end but this was a blunder in analysis but I can't get my head around why


Why is this an inaccuracy?

So my idea with this game is take with the knight, and if he retakes, take with the bishop, ending up a pawn. But apparently the best move is c5, then white puts their bishop on e3, despite being attacked by two pieces. So what is the actual logic here? A Queen trade means the other takes with their rook


Mate in 3 for black?

Are there more than 1 options to mate?


How is this brilliant?
